Thursday, March 8

The Trouble With Kony 2012

     So I admit posting the Kony 2012 video for about 20 minutes yesterday. Despite my own reservations about the video, I thought it was a good cause to support. But then I started looking into Invisible Children. I had to remove the video. 
     While they have dubious fundraising records, a naive understanding of the facts and a worrisome savior complex, my real trouble with them is this photo below. This is NOT the gesture of a group that understands Uganda or human rights. Supporting and posing with rapists carrying guns (even if they are the army who oppose Kony) proves you just don't know what you're talking about. It's also dangerous.  Full credit to Invisible Children for getting people to talk about Joseph Kony. Seriously, bravo for that. There are great movements supporting Ugandan children, but this isn't one of them. Indeed, we must push to bring Joseph Kony to justice. But let's do it right. 

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